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Research Histology Core Laboratory

The Research Histology Core Laboratory (RHCL) operates out of the Office of Research as an institutional core, and is directed by Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine faculty. The mission of the RHCL is to provide researchers with access to high-quality histology services and to expert consultation on histopathology to support basic and translational research.

The RHCL is a new institutional core scheduled to be re-launched from the former Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine special histology laboratory in Winter of 2016. The RHC will support processing, embedding, sectioning, and H&E-staining of tissues for research purposes, primarily tissues derived from rodent models or human specimens xenografted into mice. The RHC will also offer consultation services during the project design phase, and for evaluating histopathology and molecular pathology of samples by the Core Director. Additional services will include special stains and optimizing immunostaining conditions, which may be requested by consultation with the Core Director and are priced based on the scope of the proposed work.

The RHCL, located in Rm 544A of the 930 Madison Ave complex, maintains a Leica TP1020 automated tissue processor and a Thermo Histo3 embedding station for processing research histology samples. The RHCL will be staffed by an experienced clinical pathology histotechnologist and is directed by a board-certified anatomic pathologist with translational research expertise.


Services provided include:

  • Process formalin or alcohol fixed tissues.
  • Paraffin embed processed tissues
  • Cut paraffin blocks
  • Provide unstained paraffin slides
  • Provide H&E stained paraffin slides
  • Cut unstained and/or provide H&E stained cryostat sections
  • Perform selected special stains
  • Provide morphology interpretation consult by the medical director
  • Provide project consultation by medical director

Please contact Drs. Balazs and Seagroves for pricing.

May 26, 2022