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Continuing Education FAQs

What kinds of CE will be offered this year?

During the year, we offer a variety of ways for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to earn continuing education credits to maintain existing competency and to develop new competencies. The methods for earning CE credits include live seminars, live teleconferences, web-based courses, and independent-study courses.

You can also visit theOffice of Continuing Professional Development Learning Express site for additional offerings of both Live and Home CE that are co-sponsored by the University of Tennessee.

Are all these programs approved for CE credit in Tennessee?
All of the following continuing education activities are approved for CE credit in the majority of those states, including Tennessee, requiring proof of continuing education for re-licensure as a pharmacist or re-certification as a pharmacy technician.
How many hours do I need?
The CE requirement for pharmacists licensed in Tennessee is 30 hours every two years, renewed on a staggered monthly basis. PTCB certified technicians must complete 20 hours of CE every two years, including one hour of law (ACPE number ending in "03").
Are there any requirements as to the type of credits? 
The Tennessee Board of Pharmacy requires 30 hours of CE credit during the proceeding two-year period of your license renewal. One-half (15 hours) of these hours must be live programs.
How do I know if a program is live?
Live programs are designated as "L" (as opposed to home study or correspondence courses designated as "H") in the last three digits of the ACPE program number. 
What do the other numbers in the ACPE number mean? 
Some states  not Tennessee — require that a portion of the CE requirement be from select topics designated by the last digit of the ACPE number: 01-Therapeutics, 02-AIDS, 03-Law, 04-General or 05-Drug Safety. PTCB certified pharmacy technicians in Tennessee must complete one hour of law every two years -- program number ending in 03. The designation "P" is for pharmacists only, "T" for technicians only, or "P & T" if the program is accredited for both pharmacists and technicians. 
How do I know if the provider is ACPE accreditated?
To determine if a provider of continuing education is accredited by the ACPE, look for the ACPE logo and a program number on informational brochures.
What if I'm licensed in states other than Tennessee?
UTHSC College of Pharmacy sponsored activities will be acceptable in all states that recognize ACPE accredited providers. Credits obtained at one activity will usually meet the requirement in multiple states.
What about pharmacy technicians? Are they invited to participate in CE activities? 
Pharmacy technicians who are certified through the PTCB are required to obtain CE. Many programs will be offered for both pharmacists and technicians. These will be designated as "P" for pharmacists, "T" for technicians, or "P & T" if the program is accredited for both pharmacists and technicians. 

Will I receive a statement of credit from live and home study offerings?

Once you have attended an activity and submitted an evaluation, your credit will be sent via the CPE Monitor. ACPE policy states paper and/or electronic statements of credit may no longer be distributed directly to learners as proof of ACPE credit. The official record of credit may be located in the learner’s e-profile in CPE Monitor®. It is recommended that you check your e-profile in CPE Monitor® a few weeks after completion of any CE activity to ensure that your credits are posted. If you don’t see your CE credits correctly displayed from this activity, contact the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy at To access the CPE monitor, go to 

How do I claim credit? 

1. Visit and create an account or log in. If it’s your first time to our site, you’ll need to create an account. Make sure to have your NABP ePID and DOB handy.

2. When you are logged in, click on the “My Account” tab and navigate to Pending/Private Activities.

3. Scroll to the bottom of Pending/Private Activities and type in the access code provided to you at your session.

4. Select "Register Now" once you have arrived to your program's page. After registering, you will then complete the evaluation for this activity. After you complete your evaluation, attendance will be cross-checked against log-in records. A report will then be sent to CPE Monitor, using the NABP ePID and DOB you have stored in your profile.

5. Allow up to 48 hours to see your CE credit online in your NABP Profile.

Other questions?
Tennessee Board of Pharmacy Office

Nashville, Tennessee
615.741.2718 (telephone)
615.741.2722 (fax)
Visit their website

UTHSC College of Pharmacy CE Office
Knoxville, Tennessee
865.974.6605 (telephone)
865.974.2987 (fax)
James Wheeler, PharmD, BCPS

Jul 22, 2024