Xueyuan "Shawn" Cao, PhD

Associate Professor
874 Union Ave., Room 230
Memphis, TN 38163
Xueyuan Cao completed his PhD training in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) from Iowa State University in 2005 and got a MS degree in Statistics from Iowa State University in 2006. He also obtained a PhD in Applied Statistics from University of Memphis in 2014. Xueyuan joined St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in 2007 and worked as Lead Senior Biostatistician supporting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Research Group. In addition to retrospective and prospective studies in clinical trials, he conducted research in genome-wide association analysis (GWAs) and integrating multiple forms of genomic data and clinical outcomes.
Dr. Cao joined UT Health Science Center as Assistant Professor for Nursing Research Programs in the College of Nursing in October 2017. Dr. Cao provides statistical support in designing, analyzing, and reporting studies/trials across the College of Nursing and conducts his own methodological research on analyzing high dimension genomic data in cohort studies. He also serves as course co-director of Biostats for Health Sci and help CON PhD students.
Dr. Cao is a member of American Statistical Association (ASA), International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) and serve as treasurer of West Tennessee Chapter of American Statistical Association. He also serves as a member of editorial boards for 3 biology or biostatistics journals. He has authored or co-authored over 40 scientific papers and published 3 software packages in Bioconductor.