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Faculty Search

Link Name College or Unit Primary Department Position Title
Aldayeh, Ayman Abdul H.College of DentistryOrthodonticsAssociate Professor & Dir
Brar, AnmolCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssistant Professor
Braxton, Ashanti DCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor
Brodine, Alan HosfordCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Dhanasekaran, AnuradhaCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchProfessor
Fontenot, DrewCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryInstructor
Gruber, Albert FCollege of DentistryUniversity Faculty Practice ClinicAssistant Professor & Dir
Gullard, AngiCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssociate Professor & Dir
Haynes, Angela RenaeCollege of DentistryAdmin College of DentistryAssistant Professor and D
Hill, Anne ECollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor & Dir
Husein, AshCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssistant Professor
Johnson, Andrew CharlesCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Karydis, AnastasiosCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssociate Professor & Dir
Mehrabi, Amir HCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Moffitt, Allen HallCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Mohamed, Ali AbulkasimCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Prophete, AdelineCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Salomon, AlanCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Selecman, Audrey MarieCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssociate Professor & Cha
Shan, AllenCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Simpson, MandyCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyInstructor
Upadhyaya, AparnaaCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Cohen, AlkaCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssociate Professor
Benson, BartleyCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Byrd, Brooklin ChristCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryInstructor
Dagen, BrettCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Glassell, BrentonCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Griffith, GriffCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAdjunct Instructor
Harris, BradleyCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Hedgepeth, BeverlyCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssistant Professor
Mccullar, Bruce HCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociate Professor
Roller, Brandon ScottCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Salmon, BryantCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Wilson, BrettCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociate Professor & Dir
Xin, BingchangCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchVisiting Scholar
Adair, CarolCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Parker, CatherineCollege of DentistryDental HygieneClinical Instructor
Christiansen, CassandraCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAssociate Professor & Dir
Christian, DylanCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Conner, Clint SCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Drago, CarlCollege of DentistryRestorative DentistryAssistant Professor
Eyre, Clarice LawCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssociate Professor And C
Hughes, Charles HowardCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Jurado, CarlosCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor And D
Powell, Creighton DeshawnCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Johnson, CorreadaCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Suffridge, Calvin BufCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Taylor, Charlotte RCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Vinall, VolkCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor & Dir
White, Clarice RCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryInstructor
Abbey, DianeCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssistant Professor
Adams, Danita JCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssistant Professor
Bayestehtarat, ShahedCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Bell, David ECollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Cagna, DaveCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsProfessor
Clark, DanusiaCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Crowder, David HCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssociate Professor
Dixon, DougCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchAssociate Dean And Chair
Jones, Darryl KCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryInstructor
Mauney Iii, Donald KCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor- Endo
Merwin, Daniel RCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Myers, Dayna DCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAssociate Professor And D
Pencarinha, David MCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Rasner, David ShaneCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAssistant Professor
Rose, KayCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssistant Professor
Taylor, Darton DCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor & Dir
Umsted, David ECollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssociate Professor
Walls, Demario LishunCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Williams, Darren RCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor- Omfs
Wong, DavidCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssistant Professor
Conley, Elizabeth JunCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Deschepper, EdCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryProfessor
Harris, Edward FCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchProfessor Emeritus
Lee, ElizabethCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Long, Ethan MichaelCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Dalton, Frank TCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Garcia-godoy, FranklinCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchProfessor & Director
Ivers, Franklin B.College of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Jackson, Felisa LoydCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssistant Professor
Springfield, Felix OCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Trammell, ChipCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor- Orth
Damron, Giles BennettCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Huang, GeorgeCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchProfessor And Program Dir
Mcqueen, GeorgeCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Paprocki, Gregory J.College of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Samson, Gerald SCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssociate Professor
Wilson, Gary TrentCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociate Professor
Cosby, Harry TCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssociate Professor And C
Fergus, Harold StevenCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Adera, HilawitCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAdjunct Instructor
Sharp, Harry KCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthProfessor Emeritus
Yazdi, HamidCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Albright, Jimmy ECollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryProfessor
Binkley, LesCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssociate Professor
Brooks, Jeffrey HCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryProfessor And Director
Burton, Jay BCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Christian, JimCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryProfessor
Clemmons, JodyCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor
Dick, James AlfredCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryInstructor
Drake, Jay.College of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Fisher, JackCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Gibson, Jill EmilyCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociate Professor
Gibson, Joe ECollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Hagan, Jessica NicoleCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssistant Professor
Kalmowicz, Jeffrey ACollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor
Lally, John MCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Lewis Iii, WestCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Massad, Joseph JCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssociate Professor
Mckinney, Jerry GCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Mcrae, J LawrenceCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociate Professor
Metz, JamesCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAdjunct Assistant Profess
Moore, Jane NCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Murrell, JohnCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Page, JohnCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Parkinson, JoeCollege of DentistryAdmin College of DentistryAssociate Professor & Int
Phebus, Jeffrey GCollege of DentistryEndodonticsProfessor & Director
Royal, JohnCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor And D
Simmons Jr, Heber SherwoodCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Vaden, James LCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsProfessor
Venturin, Jaqueline D.College of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssociate Professor & Dir
Westmoreland, BoCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryInstructor
Wills, WhitCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Wingo, Jeffrey LCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssistant Professor
Yochim, Ji MinCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Anderson, Kenneth MCollege of DentistryAdmin College of DentistryProfessor And Interim Ass
Decolibus, Katherine ACollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssociate Professor & Dir
Morgan, Kyle JosephCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthInstructor
Tilashalski, KenCollege of DentistryAdmin College of DentistryDean
Werlitz, Kiesha DCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAssistant Professor
Carlisle Hodge, LaurieCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAdjunct Instructor
Hong, LiangCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthProfessor
Levy, Layne ConstantCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor And D
Selvidge, Leroy ACollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Wells, KevinCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor- Endo
Wilson, LeeCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Abramovitz, Michelle LynnCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Cannon, MarkCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryProfessor
Carlisle, MatthewCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyInstructor
Dehghan, MojdehCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryProf. & Assoc. Dean Of St
Fuchs, Michael RyanCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
James, Michael AnthonyCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor- Endo
Lackey, Mark ACollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor & Int
Smith, Mary AustinCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthInstructor
Miles, MichelleCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAssociate Professor
Russ, MatthewCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Scarbecz, MarkCollege of DentistryAdmin College of DentistryProfessor
Schlothauer, MarkCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor
Van Mersbergen, MiriamCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssoc Professor
Webb, Mark HenryCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Wells, Martha HCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAffiliate Professor
Wilson, Mark ECollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Alley, NedCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Citrin, Nechama SCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor
Dyer, Nakeshi LCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Gerard, Nicholas O.College of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor & Dir
Hamman, NathanCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Hollyfield Sr, NeilCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Norvell, Nick GregoryCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsProfessor
Weston, Neil Brian StuartCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Triplett, Orpheus LCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor & Ass
Ajitsankardas, PoojaCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssistant Professor
Albin, PamCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Bland, PaulCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssociate Professor
Dingeldein, Patricia PCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor & Dir
Isaacman, PhillipCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Luepke, Paul GerardCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyProfessor & Associate Dea
Luther, FrankCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Miller, Preston DCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Robinson, Quinton CCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssociate Professor
Bateman, Richard ErickCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Galvan, RamonCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Hamilton, Rachel ElizabethCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssociate Professor
Hatch, BobCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Hobbs, RobinCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthInstructor
Johnson, RajasinghCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchProfessor
Lackie, Richard MCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssistant Professor
Mahzoun, RezaCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchVisiting Scholar
Mayall, BeckyCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssociate Professor
Mays, RobynCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor & Dir
Mccalla, RobertCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor/Group
Meekins, Richard DCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Montgomery, Randall CCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryInstructor
Handman, Risa BCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAssociate Professor And I
Prince, RandyCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Scott, Robert BCollege of DentistryEndodonticsAssistant Professor- Endo
Smith, Robert KCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Staples, Ronald CCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Tremblay, Robert LeoCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Williams, Richard ACollege of DentistryOrthodonticsProfessor And Chair
Aguirre, Sarah ECollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssociate Professor
Ashabranner, SloanCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssociate Professor
Ballard, Steve DCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Chanin, SimonCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Clark, Shawna ReneeCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor
Colvert, StaleyCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor & Vic
Shahrabi-farahani, ShokoufehCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineAssociate Professor
Flagg, SimranCollege of DentistryDental HygieneAssistant Professor
Hudsmith, Stueart LeeCollege of DentistryRestorative DentistryInstructor
Perales Sanchez, Selene GriseldaCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchAssistant Professor
Reagan Ii, Scottie ACollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryVolunteer Instructor
Stein, Sidney HCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyProfessor & Acting Chair
Van Cleave, ShanaCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Waddell, StanleyCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Weiskopf, Scott AdamCollege of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAssistant Professor
Hilger, TcCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Huynh, TonyCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsAssistant Professor
Korioth, Tom VCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsProfessor
O'daniel, Teresa BarrettCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Patterson, TomCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Smith, ToddCollege of DentistryPediatric Dentistry-Community Oral HlthAssistant Professor
Trojan, Terry MartinCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsProfessor Emeritus
Abhyankar, VrushaliCollege of DentistryPeriodontologyAssociate Professor And D
Jain, VinayCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsProfessor
Pennington, Vernon CharlesCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Vikram, VigneshCollege of DentistryBioscience ResearchVisiting Scholar
Bates, WilliamCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssistant Professor
Callahan Iii, William RCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssociate Professor
Castle, William N.College of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Claro-woodruff, Wanda IreneCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssociate Professor
Ducham, WendyCollege of DentistryDental HygieneInstructor
Hollis, ScottCollege of DentistryProsthodonticsProfessor & Director
Parris, William GCollege of DentistryOrthodonticsAssociate Professor
Reese, Willis EdwardCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryAssistant Professor
Shintaku, Werner HarumitiCollege of DentistryDiagnostic Sciences & Oral MedicineProfessor And Acting Chai
Slagle, William FCollege of DentistryRestorative DentistryProfessor
Wasson, WalethaCollege of DentistryGeneral DentistryProfessor And Director
May 26, 2022