Institutional Compliance Committee
- Membership: The UTHSC Senior Vice Chancellor for Finance appoints the members.
- Meetings: The Committee shall meet at least four times each calendar year.
- Roles and Responsibilities:
- Review and approve the Institutional Compliance Plan (updated periodically).
- Ensure that the Compliance Program considers all aspects of the Campus’ operations.
- Ensure continuous and effective monitoring of identified high-risk activities.
- Complete risk assessment, assist in the periodic System-wide compliance risk assessment,
and prepare plans of action for non-compliance areas.
- Follow-up on instances of non-compliance reported to the Committee to ensure that
management has taken appropriate corrective actions.
Melanie Burlison |
Health Professions |
Dentistry |
Dan Brown |
Graduate Health Sciences |
Felicia Washington |
Medicine |
Teresa Hartnett |
Nursing |
Vicki Bass |
Pharmacy |
Shelia Cooper |
Executive Vice Chancellor's Office |
Shenika Hudson |
Facilities |
Kimberly Moore |
Human Resources |
Chandra Alston |
Police Services |
Celia Tisby |
AFSA - Student Services |
Ann Salina-Tucker |
Library |
Randall Watts |
Equity and Diversity |
Michael Alston |
Information Technology Services |
Dennis Leber |
Research |
Steve Youngentob |
Safety |
Tim Barton |
University Advisors
General Counsel |
Walt Schuler |
UT System, Institutional Compliance |
Dana Dalton |