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Institutional Compliance Committee

  • Membership: The UTHSC Senior Vice Chancellor for Finance appoints the members. 
  • Meetings: The Committee shall meet at least four times each calendar year. 
  • Roles and Responsibilities:
    1. Review and approve the Institutional Compliance Plan (updated periodically).
    2. Ensure that the Compliance Program considers all aspects of the Campus’ operations.
    3. Ensure continuous and effective monitoring of identified high-risk activities.
    4. Complete risk assessment, assist in the periodic System-wide compliance risk assessment, and prepare plans of action for non-compliance areas.
    5. Follow-up on instances of non-compliance reported to the Committee to ensure that management has taken appropriate corrective actions.


CHAIR Melanie Burlison
Health Professions TBD
Dentistry Dan Brown 
Graduate Health Sciences Felicia Washington 
Medicine Teresa Hartnett
 Nursing Vicki Bass 
 Pharmacy Shelia Cooper 
 Executive Vice Chancellor's Office Shenika Hudson
 Facilities Kimberly Moore
 Human Resources Chandra Alston 
Police Services Celia Tisby
AFSA - Student Services Ann Salina-Tucker
Library Randall Watts 
Equity and Diversity Michael Alston 
Information Technology Services Dennis Leber
Research Steve Youngentob
Safety Tim Barton


University Advisors

General Counsel Walt Schuler
UT System, Institutional Compliance Dana Dalton
May 26, 2022