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Training Manual

Call Schedules


The pediatric resident will be on call in rotation with the faculty. They will provide a more supervisory role and allow the rotating general urology residents to take first call which is from home. A faculty member is always on call backing up the pediatric resident who is to discuss all calls with that faculty member at the appropriate time. The pediatric resident will cover no more than two weekends per month and two nights per week which will allow the proper number of duty hours to be logged.


The pediatric faculty rotate call on a regular basis. A schedule is produced monthly and the pediatric resident is included in that schedule with one faculty member always providing back-up. Cases and calls are discussed appropriately.

CAQ Eligibility

The American Board of Urology has determined that it will be required that a two-year fellowship must be completed at an accredited program in order to be eligible to apply for CAQ status. Further information regarding requirements for CAQ in Pediatric Urology can be found at the Society for Pediatric Urology.

Clinical and Educational Hours

  • It is the policy of the University of Tennessee Pediatric Urology program that resident duty hours will be reasonable and not excessive.
  • The residents will have at least one day (24 hours) out of every 7 days, when averaged over four weeks, free of patient care.
  • All pediatric urology resident call is taken from home and consequently the use of in-house call sleeping quarters is not required. However, such rooms are available should the need arise.
  • The Program Director is responsible for the assignment of workstations and duty hours. All residents are required to be at their assigned work place during normal working hours according to the rotation schedule.
  • The residents must have permission from the Program Director and/or other pediatric urology faculty to leave his/her workstation.
  • It is the responsibility of the Program Director, the faculty, and the residents themselves to ensure compliance with regulations for duty hours.
  • All residents are told to report immediately to the Program Director with any violations of the work hour regulations.
  • Each resident will record his/her work hours on a weekly basis through the New Innovations duty hour system, a web-based system used campus wide. This will be recorded in their individual resident portfolio, so that it can be reviewed one on one with the Program Director at the end of each quarter.
  •  All residents are aware that since they take home call, all the time spent in the hospital when on call is counted toward their weekly duty hour limit.

All new residents and fellows are required to complete the on-line training module on fatigue. This education module addresses the hazards of fatigue and ways to recognize and manage sleep deprivation.

UTHSC GME Policy on Clinical and Educational Hours

Dress Code/Lab Coats

Scrubs should not be worn at any conferences on or off campus. NO exceptions.

At the beginning of residency, each resident is given six lab coats by the GME office. The GME office will further cover up to three replacement coats throughout the entire residency. These lab coats are purchased at Landau and billed to the GME office.

Evaluation Process

Resident Evaluation

The pediatric urology resident is formally evaluated semi-annually and informally evaluated on a continuous basis. Current methods of evaluation of the pediatric urology resident include the following: (1) performance of the resident in those conferences requiring participation, (2) daily evaluation of clinical performance of the resident in the operating room, and (3) performance of the resident in regard to skills concerning the core competencies of patient care, medical knowledge, professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, practice-based learning and improvement and systems-based practice. Multiple assessment tools have been implemented to augment resident evaluation.

The above parameters are utilized by the Program Director and faculty to evaluate residents. The process of resident evaluation includes the following: (1) during formal faculty meetings which occur at least quarterly, overall resident performance is discussed; (2) each faculty member completes an evaluation form for every resident at the end of each 4-month resident rotation. This evaluation form evaluates the resident’s performance on achieving the education goals and objectives of the rotation. This form becomes a part of the resident’s permanent record maintained by the Program Director; (3) each faculty member completes a surgical evaluation form for every procedure performed by each resident throughout the various 4-month
rotations; and (4) formal quarterly individual resident evaluations are conducted by the Program Director. All evaluation forms are part of the resident’s permanent record, which each resident has access to at any time.

A formal end-of-year evaluation is conducted for the pediatric urology resident. This allows a critique of the entire year’s performance, which allows us to determine if the resident has met the requirements for completion of the program. If the resident has demonstrated an achievement of the goals and objectives it applies to (1) Patient Care, (2) Medical Knowledge, (3) Practice Based Learning Improvement, (4) Interpersonal and Communication Skills, (5) Professionalism, and (6) System Based Practice, based on available assessment tools, then he/she is allowed to complete the pediatric urology residency training program. Following the final review with the Program Director, the pediatric urology resident reads the written final evaluation, signs it and indicates in writing if there are any disagreements. After satisfactory completion of the Pediatric Urology Residency Education Program, the resident receives a diploma signed by the Program Director, the Chairman of the Department of Urology, the Dean of the Medical School, and the Chancellor of The University of Tennessee. This diploma signifies that the resident has met all the goals and objectives for the training program and has demonstrated the essential competencies for the practice of pediatric urology. The final evaluation will be kept at the institution as a part of the resident’s permanent record. UTHSC GME Policy on Resident Evaluation

Faculty Evaluation

The Program Director communicates (verbally) with the faculty members concerning their yearly evaluations by the residents and their overall performance. Any concerns are addressed and only negative evaluations require written documentation of resolution. All faculty members have access to their own evaluations. 

Residents formally contribute to the faculty evaluation process by the anonymous completion of a multiple choice questionnaire, annually, in which they assess the strengths and weaknesses of each faculty member. These completed questionnaires are retained in the faculty member’s permanent record. Residents are ensured confidentiality in this process in that: (1) the questionnaire is set up as an anonymous report in the New Innovations on-line system, requiring no writing by the resident, (2) the questionnaire is entirely multiple choice, (3) all 10 residents
complete the questionnaire at the same time, and (4) the completed questionnaires are printed directly from the New Innovations system by the department secretary and given to the Program Director in a single envelope. 

In addition to formal, anonymous faculty evaluations, the pediatric urology resident, along with the general urology residents who have rotated on the pediatric urology service during the academic year, are expected to complete a separate, anonymous on-line evaluation of the pediatric urology educational program. Again, confidentiality is ensured on these evaluations through the on-line submission process via the New Innovations program, and through the fact that the pediatric urology resident submits his/her evaluations at the same time as the general urology residents, with all evaluations being delivered together to the Program Director.

Annual Program Evaluation

Each ACGME-accredited residency program will establish a Program Evaluation Committee to participate in the development of the program’s curriculum and related learning activities, and to annually evaluate the program to assess the effectiveness of that curriculum, and to identify actions needed to foster continued program improvement and correction of areas of non-compliance with ACGME standards.

Program Evaluation Committee:

  • The program director will appoint the Program Evaluation Committee (PEC).
  • The Program Evaluation Committee will be composed of at least 2 members of the residency program’s faculty, and include at least one resident (unless there are no residents enrolled in the program.) The PEC will function in accordance with the written description of its responsibilities, as specified in item 3, below.
  • The Program Evaluation committee will participate actively in:
    • planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating all significant activities of the residency program;
    • reviewing and making recommendations for revision of competency-based curriculum goals and objectives;
    • addressing areas of non-compliance with ACGME standards, and;
    • reviewing the program annually, using evaluations of faculty, residents, and others, as specified below.

 UTHSC GME Policy on Program & Faculty Evaluation

Health Insurance

Health insurance is mandatory.  Health, dental, and vision coverage is provided by Cigna Health care for residents and eligible dependents.  Coverage is effective on the resident’s first recognized day of the residency program. Residents are responsible for approximately 20% of the premium.  Residents with existing coverage may decline UT health insurance by completing the declination form.

Life and Disability Insurance are also available through UTHSC GME.


Each time you visit a University of Tennessee Health Science Center office or see a University of Tennessee Health Science Center provider in a hospital, surgical care center, university health clinic, faculty practice clinic, doctor’s office, nursing home or other facility, a record of your visit is made.

This record contains information about your symptoms, examinations, test results, medications you take, your allergies and the plan for your care. This information we refer to as your health or medical record and is an essential part of the healthcare we provide for you. Your health record contains personal health information and there are state and federal laws to protect the privacy of your health information.  UTHSC HIPAA Information

Journal Web Sites

Liability/Malpractice Insurance

As a State of Tennessee student/employee, your professional liability coverage is provided by the Tennessee Claims Commission Act.


Residents in the UTHSC Pediatric Urology Fellowship Program will be provided with memberships to the following organization(s):

  • American Urological Association
  • Southeastern Section of the AUA
  • Society for Fetal Urology
  • Societies for Pediatric Urology


Moonlighting is defined as any professional activity outside the course and scope of a resident’s approved training program. Practice activities permitted outside the educational program vary with each program and the academic performance level of each resident. 

It is the policy of the Division of Pediatric Urology that employment outside of this residency program shall not be allowed. UTHSC GME Moonlighting Policy

Violation of this moonlighting policy could result in disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal from the University of Tennessee GME Program.



The Program Director must appoint the program’s Quality Improvement/Clinical Competency Committee, and ensure the Committee’s effective evaluation of each resident’s competence as demonstrated through achievement of the ACGME specialty’s milestones.


The Quality Improvement/Clinical Competency Committee (QIC/CCC) will review all resident evaluations; prepare and assure the reporting of the Milestone evaluations of each resident to ACGME; and advise the program director regarding resident progress, including promotion, remediation and dismissal.


  1. The Program Director of the Pediatric Urology Fellowship must appoint the members of the Quality Improvement/Clinical Competency Committee.
    1. The Quality Improvement/Clinical Competency Committee must be composed of at least three members of the program’s faculty.
    2. Others eligible for appointment to the Quality Improvement/Clinical Competency Committee include faculty from other programs and non-physician members of the healthcare team.
    3. All members should work directly with the program’s residents on a regular basis.
  2. Responsibilities of the Quality Improvement/Clinical Competency Committee include:
    1. Members must meet, at a minimum, semi-annually.  Ad hoc meetings may occur as necessary.
    2. The Committee will select a Committee Chair. 
    3. Review all resident evaluations semi-annually.
    4. Complete the standard specialty Milestone reporting form; ensure reporting of Milestone evaluations of each resident semi-annually to ACGME through direct entry into ADS, or other method as directed by ACGME policy.
    5. Make recommendations to the Program Director regarding resident progress, including promotion, remediation and dismissal.
    6. Make recommendations to the Program Director for additional or revised formative evaluations needed to assess resident performance in the Milestone sub-competency levels.


Permitted Travel:

  • AAP Section on Urology/SFU
  • Any additional regional or national meetings for which research has been accepted for presentation.
  • Additional permission may be granted to attend other conferences with prior approval from the Program Director.

Travel Reimbursement

All educational trips must be approved by the Program Director. These trips will be approved if the budget allows. Expenses will be covered by Le Bonheur education funds when the budget allows. Meals: No meal allowance will be allowed if the registration fee includes all meals for the day. Hotel: All hotels must be conference hotels to be considered for reimbursement. You will need to make sure the hotel bill reflects a zero-balance indicating payment has been made. Airline: If you book your ticket electronically, through Expedia, etc. it may take longer to get reimbursed. Please remember to include a boarding pass from the airline with your receipt. Itemized receipts for lodging and meals must be received within two weeks of completion of travel to be considered for reimbursement. The UT Resident Travel Form must be completed for reimbursement.

Workmen's Compensation/Risk Management

For a new injury, employee must inform supervisor immediately when possible.

Contact the CorVel nurse triage line at (866) 245-8588 to report the injury and to be directed for any medical care if needed.  Employee may ask the triage nurse for approval to go to a specific doctor.

After calling triage nurse, employee should complete and sign the following forms and return to the UTHSC Workers Compensation representative at 910 Madison Ste. 764:

Updated October 2016** Incident Report (requires supervisors signature)

Updated October 2016** Instructions and Procedures Form

Jul 29, 2024