About Us
The Global Surgery Institute seeks to provide international opportunities for teaching, learning, research, clinical care and public service to the community of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center faculty, residents and medical students and to promote the field of academic global surgery.
- Provide global surgical opportunities for residents, students and faculty in areas of research, clinical care, education and public service
- Provide a space for innovation around lessons learned from global surgical care for benefit of local community
- Develop and support GME recognized global surgical rotations for UTHSC residents

Nia Zalamea, MD
Assistant Professor, General Surgery
Director, Global Surgery Institute
Assistant Professor, General Surgery
Director, Global Surgery Institute

Martin Fleming, MD, FACS
Division Chief, Surgical Oncology

Denis Foretia, MD
Assistant Professor, General Surgery

David Shibata, MD, FACS, FASCRS
Harwell Wilson Endowed Chair in Surgery
Professor and Chairman
Harwell Wilson Endowed Chair in Surgery
Professor and Chairman
Our Partners


Hamilton Eye Institute

Point of Impact Honduras