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Message from the Program Director

You chose to specialize in Interventional Cardiology, and let me tell you that this dynamic field is a moving target! You can be certain that you will get the best possible training as part of our program at the UTHSC.

In addition to what we will teach you, today you also begin the journey of self-directed learning; a process that is quite challenging because you will be transformed into being your own teacher and  judge.  I have come to realize that humbling one’s self in front of medicine is the only way to develop and grow.  Do not fall in the trap of thinking that you know it all; if you do, you would be intentionally obstructing your own advancement.

As you start your subspecialty training, it is important to recognize that interventional cardiology is full of gadgets.  However, patients do not put their trust in machines or devices; they put their trust in you. You have already spent years studying, training, doing research and taking care of patients, and you may likely have many more years of education ahead of you. But please remember that as you become more skilled and specialized you will be even more dependent on technology—then it becomes easier for you to lose your humanity, forget your compassion, and ignore your instincts.  Please remember that as physicians, our focus is a human being, in fact, a sick human being who comes to you in his or her most vulnerable state.  Having realized this fact, never ever lose your moral compass.

As you place this important corner stone in your career, I invite you to begin this year with a sincere act of thanksgiving: Be thankful for the opportunity and the possibilities to learn, to your loved ones who support you, to your teachers who guide you, and to your peers who share your steps. And with a heart full of gratitude and enthusiasm for learning,  move forward knowing that you have become a part of UTHSC and that UTHSC will always be proud of your achievements.

Thank you and good luck!

Dec 12, 2022