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Requirements and Policies

Progression Requirements

To qualify for progression at the end of each term to the next term, the student must: (adapted from the UTHSC Bulletin)

  • Follow the approved course of study, satisfactorily completing all courses.
  • Complete all courses with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 (“B”).
  • Demonstrate proficiency in all PA competencies.
  • Settle all financial accounts with the University.
  • Attend all events noted as mandatory by the PA Program which may include but are not limited to: guest lectures, conferences, meetings, dinners, White Coat Ceremony, Orientation, Grand Rounds and other activities.

Graduation Requirements

In order to be recommended for a degree in the Department of Physician Assistant Program, a candidate must comply with the following conditions: (adapted from the UTHSC Bulletin)

  • completed all required courses of the professional curriculum with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and successfully complete the senior summative evaluation.
  • demonstrated professionalism expected of a student in the PA profession which is acceptable to the faculty according to the AAPA Code of Ethics.
  • discharged all financial obligations to the University and affiliated organizations.
Grade Percentage
A 90 - 100%
B+ 87 - 89%
B 80  - 86%
C+ 77 - 79%
C 70 - 76%
F <70%

Dismissal Policies

Academic Dismissal

(adapted from the UTHSC Academic Bulletin)

Dismissal may result from the following:

  • A student earning a grade of “F” in any course or rotation.
  • A student earning a GPA of less than 3.0 in a term.
  • A student failing to meet the requirements of a course(s) as stipulated in the course syllabus.
  • A student failing to meet stipulated conditions for removal of academic probation within the designated time frame.

Non-Academic Dismissal

Regardless of the student's calculated grade for a particular course, if a faculty or staff member has identified serious deficits in any area of the student's performance, including professionalism, the Committee on Student Progress and Promotion will be contacted. After investigation, the committee may recommend actions ranging from counseling to dismissal. The recommendation may also include non-academic probation for the remainder of the term. The decisions and recommendations will be provided in writing to the student.

Outside activities and working are not considered to be valid excuses for poor academic performance or lack of attendance at required PA program activities.

Work Policies

  • Students are strongly discouraged from maintaining employment while enrolled in the Program.
  • Students are not required to work for the Program.
  • Students are not to receive or accept compensation for any work performed within the preceptor’s clinical site or practice.
  • Students must not substitute for clinical or administrative staff at the Program or clinical site.
  • Rotation Assignment: Students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites.

Other policies are located in the student handbooks which are available to admitted PA students.

Aug 6, 2024