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Department of Ophthalmology / Hamilton Eye Institute

Patricia Chévez-Barrios, MD

2024 Williford Distinguished Visiting Professor (DVP) Lecture

Patricia Chévez-Barrios, MD
Chair, Ocular Pathology
Department of Pathology and Genomic Medicine
Houston Methodist Hospital

Thursday, September 19, 2024
6:00 – 7:30 PM

Learn about the 2024 Wiliford DVP Lecture
Doctor's with child patient.

Special Announcement

On August 31 – September 6, a LeBonheur / Hamilton Eye Institute based group, including Dr. Natalie Kerr, Dr. Brian Fowler, Dr. Cody Richardson (HEI alum now on faculty at John’s Hopkins) and Dr. Jonathan Glaze (Oculoplastics fellow) will travel to Centro Moore in Guatemala City and will perform ~80 – 90 surgeries on children to correct strabismus, ptosis, and duct disorders. The center is supported by the Shalom Foundation which is based in Nashville, TN. This will be the 11th trip. The group is supported by the HEI Lions Club.


Exterior of the Hamilton Eye building with the word "clinical" at the bottom. Click this image to visit the clinical pages of Hamilton Eye.

Ophthalmology faculty performing procedure with the word "education" over the image. Click this image to visit pages on education at Hamilton Eye.

Researchers discussing in a lab. The word "research" appears over the image. Click this image to view pages on research at Hamilton Eye.

Hamilton Eye building at night. The word "news" appears over the image. Click here to visit the news page.

Aug 30, 2024